Lean 4.0: Smart and Lean Production

25. January 2024

Interesting study 📊 by Fraunhofer ISI on the status of Lean 4.0 and Industry 4.0 in the German manufacturing industry 🏭!

Guiding questions

  • To what extent do companies in the manufacturing sector use conventional lean concepts in production?
  • What is the relationship between the application of lean concepts and the willingness to I4.0 of a company and how widespread is lean 4.0?
  • What effects does implementing lean 4.0 approaches have on the company’s performance?

[…] Methods of quality assurance have the greatest spread, 63 percent of all industrial companies work with them in their production

Also widely used are concepts of standardized and detailed work instructions as well as measures to improve internal logistics, with which about half of all companies work (52 and 49 percent respectively).

Only 29 percent of the companies control their production processes depending on the customer’s order.

[…] A look at the distribution of the lean index in the manufacturing sector reveals interesting insights: Overall, the degree of implementation of the lean principles in the manufacturing sector in Germany is rather low, with an average value of 2.2.

Concepts are only applied selectively, the potential is only partially exploited.[…] almost two out of ten companies do not use any of the seven lean concepts (lean index 0).

Half of the remaining companies achieve a maximum lean index value of 2.3 and have only a low to medium lean implementation level.

The remaining distribution ranges up to the index value 7.0, but only 5 percent of the companies have a lean index value of at least 5.7. This shows that there is still a lot of potential for the further implementation of the lean principles in the manufacturing sector in Germany.


What do you think about this study? Are you surprised by the results?

Lean 4.0: Better business through a combination of smarter and leaner production methods – Fraunhofer ISI


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